Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Charlie Letter #1

Dear Charlie,
Whenever we experience tragedy or hardship, our natural reaction is to attempt to rationalize why such terrible events plague our lives. You are no exception and what hurts my heart is that you are child, as children should never experience such painful things. Michael is gone. Nothing you or anyone does can change that. What we can do is to try to accept his absence and remember the great things he contributed to people who loved him, like you. Obsessing over reasons why Michael did what he did will not help you in this process and can do nothing to better your emotional state. We must accept the fact that people didn't understand all of Michael's problems and therefore couldn't help him. Although, Michael is just not someone who we couldn't understand. He is a PERSON, a friend, a lost loved one. Through this process you should allow friends and family to comfort you and guide you through this troubling time.
A Friend.